Bob's Bubble Tea Cafe

An online 'cafe' to discuss and share anything and everything.

Achieving Goals

Never would I have imagined that at the age of 36 (soon to be 37 in about 2.5 months) that I would be in the best shape even better than when I started college.

At my heaviest I was pushing almost 200 lbs! I thought to myself well I just want to be healthy and that its all down hill from here.  Marriage, kids…all dads are like this!  

Well I am proof that it doesn’t need to be that way.  And that you can do it.  It takes a lot of discipline and determination but honestly it was fun.  If you’re not having fun than you’re missing the point ad not enjoying life.  

I’m not saying you have to shed the pounds like I did and work towards a flatter tummy.  I’m saying get some physical activities back into your life.  Something you enjoy that will make you sweat!  

And most of all…KEEP BREATHING!

Sweat it out!

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