Bob's Bubble Tea Cafe

An online 'cafe' to discuss and share anything and everything.

What Time Do You Get In To Work?

Before Internet, email, laptops, iPhones, etc we all had a need to be in an office, on time and for a set period of time, usually 9-5.  Haven’t those days gone?
Unless your in the service industry where you are expected to be there during opening and closing hours, I would expect that all businesses should adapt to this flexible working hours.  Now I am not saying that you should always work from home and not show up to the office.  I am suggesting that it shouldn’t matter what time to show up or leave the office as long as you are not late for meetings and your work quality and promptness is not affected.
We all lead busy lives outside of work.  And when you have a family that all of a sudden becomes priority.  You want to take your kids to day care in the morning.  You want to pick them up or at least see them for dinner and before they go to bed.  You don’t get those times back.
Back when I was a baby, I understand that my parents had to sacrifice a lot in order to raise me and my sister.  However without all the technology we have to day they still managed to dorm quality time with us.
Now that we have all these things to make our lives much more flexible we should embrace it and adapt this to our lives so that we can enjoy the simple things in life that we might miss.
Enjoy life.  Control your own destiny. Don’t be a nusance.  Contribute. And most of all SMILE ?

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