Bob's Bubble Tea Cafe

An online 'cafe' to discuss and share anything and everything.

What’s Your Job Title

How important is your job title to you? It shouldn’t matter.  Though many people place a lot of importance on this.  

I would add though it probably depends a lot on the organisation you work at.

I think what you contribute is more valuable than your title.  Unfortunately, people easily assume your title means you have earned it.  Again probably depends on the area of work or type of organisation you are at.

In my field and industry, at the time of writing, it really doesn’t matter.  Head of, Director of, blah blah blah doesn’t mean they know their supposed area of expertise.  The only benefit I see is the perception of others of your importance to the organisation.  What they don’t see is the influence that a manager, analyst or advisor can have on the decisions the ‘Head of’ makes.  

The expectations that come with the ‘Head of’ title may also put undo pressure on the individual that doesn’t actually deserve the title.

Perhaps, we need to assess our titles and call everyone an associate so that we are in fact on a level playing field and promotions, bonuses, and pay rises are based in contribution and meritocracy.  We only need to identify who the CEO is really,

I think that we are all smart enough that when in a group we all know who the leader is.  We don’t need to label each other especially when it’s not earned or deserved.

What do you think?

Jeff Young, CEO

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